Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Research Report: Batteries and Supercapacitors for the Smart Grid - 2013: MarketResearchReports.Biz

MarketResearchReports.Biz announces addition of new report “Batteries and Supercapacitors for the Smart Grid - 2013” to its database

Energy storage is a vital component of the Smart Grids that are currently being built around the world.   These grids are designed to improve the reliability of electricity transmission and distribution, facilitate the integration of renewable energy generators, and allow long-distance trading of electricity supplies.  All of these functions require the grid to offer buffers where electricity can be stored locally. 

However, for the most part the technologies up to this task have not been available.  To the extent that grids have incorporated storage it has either been through the use of conventional batteries originally targeted towards the automotive industry and which are not optimal for grid storage or through major engineering projects such as compressed air storage which are impossible to replicate generally.

As a result of all this, NanoMarkets believes there are exciting opportunities for manufacturers of batteries and supercapacitors that target emerging applications in the Smart Grid.  In 2009, NanoMarkets was one of the first industry analyst firms to identify and quantify these opportunities in a groundbreaking technology.  With almost four years of product development and grid deployment behind us, NanoMarkets is releasing this report, which is designed to show where money will be made in grid batteries and supercaps over the next eight years.

To Buy The Copy of This Report Visit:

While we believe that this report will become required reading for battery and supercapacitor firms, this report also spells out the potential for materials companies and specialty chemical firms who NanoMarkets believes will find considerable new business potential supplying advanced materials – especially nanomaterials -- for newer forms of grid storage.   In addition, NanoMarkets believes that this report will be of considerable use to utilities and other firms directly involved in the Smart Grid business, since it will show them how the next-generation of batteries and supercaps for Smart Grids will help to enable Smart Grid deployment.
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